it's funny, but...
their legs dont move when they walk, and their facial expressions dont change much...
+ the vocals need more passion..
it's funny, but...
their legs dont move when they walk, and their facial expressions dont change much...
+ the vocals need more passion..
I promise I'll try harder next time :P
ok scripting...
... but instead of generating an engine for a random movieclip / sound array spawner, you should make an actual game, like an action / adventure game, a shooter, or an rpg...
gfx were ok
i really didn't like that song tho, it made me close the flash before i was able to watch the whole thing
The song was sort of the point of the flash, though. Without it there wasn't much of a point. Thanks for reviewing, though.
k, that's enough
at least make the pokemon wear jew hats, whatever them things is called.
then it would be funny. Now it's just the same old shit over and over
Why should they wear kippahs? This flash has nothing to do with Judaism.
funny, but
your voice acting needs a lot of work.
the graphics are ok, the concept is original, but theres basically no plot, and no point to it.
I didn't do most of the voice acting... It was mah friend. But then again, I should have pushed him a bit harder. Yeah, no plot or point. Its kinda just there.
I like ur style. and how u made the charas, and the lipsync was good too.
thanks ^_^
i don't really see any point to this, i guess that's why so many people liked it.
..Well, i don't like it: you could have at least traced the stolen images, or given credit to the websites you stole them from.
...i don't understand why people put so much effort into making total crap.
Are you actually proud of making this flash??
..Well you shouldn't be, shame on you, and on all of the people who voted higher than 2 on this
We don't have to give credit to shit. If people didn't want their crap to be copied then they wouldn't put their images on public websites. And yeah, we probably could have put more effort into it, but for what it is, I think we did just fine. And yes, we're proud of all our creations, and don't belittle others just because they have a different opinion about this movie.
amusing, but...
There are too many madness jumpoffs on NG as is,
if you can't think of something original, don't submit it!
Cmon man it's obviously a tribute!!! wheres the tribute love?
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Web Developer
City Tech
Joined on 5/1/07